What is CEM Certification
Certified in Exhibition Management® (CEM) is a worldwide recognized certification of excellence that demonstrates high professional skills in the trade fair and event sector.
Created in 1975 by IAEE , (International Association of Exhibitions & Events)
The CEM designation accommodates short- and long-term career goals with education that can be tailored to meet specific needs and interests. The designation is obtained by completing nine courses offered through on-site classrooms and online formats. The CEM certification program is present in several countries, including the United States, Canada, Brazil, China, India, Korea, Mexico, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan and Thailand.
NewEvents Global, as representative of IAEE in Brazil, launched the prestigious International Certification in Fairs and Events - CEM. From now on, all Brazilian professionals operating in the sector can obtain their internationally recognized certification.
Currently, more than 3,000 professionals worldwide have the coveted CEM certification. Be part of this group of excellence.
To complete the Certification, the participant must participate in 9 modules of the Program and perform the respective exam.

Bahrain, Brazil, Brunei, Cambodia, Canada, China, Dubai
East Timor, India, Indonesia, Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Malaysia
Mexico, Myanmar, Oman, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates
United States, Vietnam

What professionals say about CEM
Armando Campos Melo, CEM

Executive President UBRAFE
“Através da iniciativa da UBRAFE, a vinda do CEM passa a ter efetividade junto aos profissionais que militam em empresas no Brasil. Em uma atividade absolutamente globalizada como a mídia presencial – feiras de negócios, é de extrema importância uma certificação internacional no sentido de permitir a perfeita comunicação ente iguais e diferentes, iguais na qualidade e diferentes nos processos. Através do CEM, tivemos a oportunidade de conhecer melhor os métodos internacionais do segmento, além da troca de experiências com os diversos atores de nossa atividade de promoção comercial.”
Executive President UBRAFE
Claudia Coelho, CEM

Executive Commercial Manager, Expo Center Norte
"Ter a oportunidade de participar de um curso de certificação internacional do setor foi uma experiência única e muito enriquecedora! Mesmo trabalhando num grande Centro de Exposições como o Expo Center Norte, cursar o CEM me permitiu ter uma visão ainda mais completa do complexo mercado de feiras e eventos, e foi uma experiência importante para que eu desenvolvesse um olhar mais abrangente sobre o negócio. Cada evento é uma pequena cidade, dinâmica e completa, e cursar o CEM nos permite entender melhor os desafios, especificidades e necessidades de cada uma. Com certeza foi uma experiência de grande valor para a minha vida profissional!"
Executive Commercial Manager, Expo Center Norte
Cintia Mari Hayashi, CEM

International Promotion Manager, SPCVB
“O CEM foi um programa enriquecedor que agregou valor à minha carreira e à empresa em que atuo. Esta certificação globalmente reconhecida me permitiu crescer e conquistar uma nova posição na comunidade internacional, trazendo resultados efetivos para contribuir no desenvolvimento da indústria de eventos do Brasil, na América Latina e no mundo!”
International Promotion Manager, SPCVB


Feiras e Negocios 17 09 14

Next Courses
CEM 2021
APR 26


São Paulo - Brasil
Av. Paulista 2073, Horsa II 17ºAndar, Conj 1702
CEP 01311-300
S. Paulo – SP Brasil
Tel.: +55 (11) 3373-7449
Fax: +55 (11) 3373-7510
Trainers Profile

Antonio Brito, CEM Emeritus, CMP
CEO, Newevents - Organization of Fairs and Events, Lda
António Manuel Brito, CEM Emeritus, CMP, started his trade fair business nearly 30 years ago and has directed and organized more than 100 fairs throughout his career, as well as several international conferences worldwide.
He is former Director of IAEE - International Association of Exhibitions and Events, MPI - Meetings Professionals International and AFIDA - International Association for Latin American Exhibitions. António also has long experience as a speaker and participant in various conferences and seminars in many countries including Portugal, Spain, Brazil, USA, UK, Bolivia, Mexico, South Korea, China and India. He is frequently invited to perform strategic consultancy at some of the largest trade fairs and destinations around the world, as well as to carry out certified audits in accordance with UFI standards. Through MPI, he was a member of the EMEA - European & Middle East Advisory Committee, and of the Spanish Commission Training - AFE, in Spain, as well as a Director of the APFC (Portuguese Fairs Association). Through IAEE, he was a member of the Board of Directors and also a member of the Board of the Association of Latin American Fairs AFIDA, where his work was aimed at helping the development of the fair industry around the world, as well as developing quality training in this sector. sector. In 2010 he was invited to represent the IAEE in Brazil and to develop, in the medium term, the CEM for Brazilian professionals, a position he has taken on with great success over the years.
His professional qualifications have been recognized by the University of Madrid and he has the title of “Expert Professional in Trade Show Marketing” as well as CEM - Certified in Exhibition Management, CMP - Certified in Meeting Planner and certified in ROI Methodology. Internationally recognized, António is currently working as an International Consultant specializing in fairs for several multinational companies dedicated to organizing fairs such as Informa Group, Reed Exhibitions, AMR Consulting, MBB Consulting, Artexis, Easy Fairs and SMG. He is currently the only European trainer since 2006 accredited by the IAEE as a CEM faculty and has taught several courses in this program contributing to the CEM certification of various professionals worldwide. In 2010, António received the IAEE President's Award at a ceremony held during Expo! Expo! in New Orleans, USA, before the entire industry sector. The IAEE Chairman's Award is the highest award given in international recognition for his work in the development of the fair and events industry around the world. He was also named Industry Personality of the Year by the prestigious Spanish magazine “Expone”. In 2019, António was distinguished as an “Honorary Speaker” VIP during the 15th Anniversary of CEFCO, China Expo Forum for International Cooperation.

Juan Pablo de Vera, CEM
CEO, Xplatin
Juan Pablo De Vera, CEM, is a trade show executive with over 26 years leading events and organizations in Brazil, Mexico and Argentina. He has been with Reed Exhibitions for over 23 years as President of Reed Exhibitions in Brazil and Senior VP of Business Development in Latin America. In 2018, he becomes CEO of the largest Brazilian audiovisual rental company with presence in 54 locations in Brazil and strategic alliances in 8 countries in Latin America.
Juan Pablo is currently the founder and CEO of XPlatina. Created in 2018, the company is responsible for implementing the most complete production processes for creative events following the most up-to-date international standards, observing the best practices in health and safety, cost efficiency, governance, sustainability and social responsibility. XPlatina has an established track record of consecutive years of growth and performance in the event services industry in Latin America. Juan Pablo is skilled in general management, sales development, marketing execution and event management and is fluent in Spanish, Portuguese and English. He has over two decades as an active member of the most relevant associations for the events industry in Latin America and has been appointed three times as Chairman of the Board of Directors and President of UBRAFE, the Brazilian Association of Fair Organizers.
He supports communities of young professionals by serving as a speaker and coordinator of advanced courses on executive management development at local business schools. More recently, he completed the Advanced Management Program with a focus on organizational leadership at the IESE Business School in Barcelona, Spain, as well as the Executive Program of the Singularity University in California, USA.

Libya Lender Macedo, CEM
Director of DicaEvento's website/Concept and Solutions Company/ University Teacher
Libya Macedo, CEM, is Brazilian, fluent in Portuguese, Spanish and English, and her career has been mixed between the corporate and academic sectors, but always with the events industry. Libya acted as a planner in event agencies organizing incentive trips, trade fairs and acted in sporting mega-events such as: Confederations Cup, World Cup and Pan American Games in the operational and hotel areas. She is a member of MPI and was VP of Education at Chapter Brazil. Libya is an undergraduate and graduate professor in event management and a consultant for the fairs and sporting events sector.